Foree Remittance - Easy & Fast Remittance from Canada to Pakistan


The global remittance market is evolving rapidly, with a growing need for efficient and user-friendly solutions. Foree remittance is a product dedicated to simplifying money transfers from Canada to Pakistan. While local money transfers have been brought into the 21st century with products like Interac e-transfer and Zelle, foreign remittances are still difficult to navigate. Foree was born out of a recognition for the need of a remittance solution that utilizes the advancements in local remittances and brings them to the global stage. 

My Role

I was the UX designer and front end developer on this project. I was responsible for working with PMs and users to problem solve based on initial user research and create end to end flows for the payer experience as well as help develop part of the front end.

Pain Points using Conventional Money Transfer

  1. High costs: Sending money across borders through international wire transfers and remittance services often incurs high fees, placing a financial burden on end users.

  2. Slow transactions: Traditional cross-border payments may take several days or even weeks to finalize, posing challenges for users in need of swift transactions.

  3. Opaque processes: Conventional banking systems can lack transparency, making it difficult to monitor transaction status or comprehend the associated fees.

  4. Complicated regulatory landscape: Maneuvering through the intricate network of international regulations can be overwhelming.


Information Architecture


Foree was developed in partnership with the National Bank of Pakistan (NBP). This allowed us to design a highly customized remittance solution that would focus specifically on solving the pain points for users sending payments from Canada to Pakistan. 

User Testing Feedback

“I didn’t understand what I needed to do when I reach the success screen”

“I don’t understand what Cash-in means, I thought I was done.”

“Source account said my name but I never entered my account information.”

Interations - Cash In Screen

Final Version

User Testing Feedback

“This is an easy to use app with a quick setup and navigation. Clean layout for an average user like me. The rates on this app are the best so far I have got on any remittance platform. You can quickly link your Canadian bank account and transfer is fast.”

“The best exchange rate available for CAD to Pkr. Easy to.use interface with simple to follow steps! Great addition to the remittance apps”